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Written in black/white notation and without barlines or time signature (2')
First Performance Date: October 18, 1972 Venue: Abel Smith Lecture Theatre, Queensland University, Pianist: John Davies
Written in black/white notation and without barlines (6')
First Performance Date: September 5, 1973 Venue: Queensland University Pianist: John Davies
Commissioned by ISCM, Queensland and written for John Davies
(Rarrk) (11')
First performance Date: December 7, 1984 Venue: Concert of Women Composers, Cologne, Germany Pianist: Herbert Henck
A piano solo for beginners
Written for the composer’s cousin, Hannah Killin
Piano: solo Intended for the opera, Their Eyes Were Watching God
Recorded by John Martin for the ABC
Piano: solo
Written for the composer’s cousin, Naomi Killin
Written for the composer’s neice, Emily O’Brien
Written for the composer’s cousin, Xavier Killin